
    Social Items

 Do that i time to a greater extent than and, bracelet or no bracelet, I’ll tear your caput off as well as run it for a doorstop. (Xypher)
Sherrilyn Kenyon
 I am ever wearing a bracelet, necklace, as well as watch. I don't fifty-fifty tending if they don't match. Grigor Dimitrov
 It takes all the fun out of a bracelet if yous receive got to purchase it yourself.
Peggy Hopkins Joyce
 I tend non to vesture accessories. I'm non i of those gals amongst a drawerful of amazing jewelry. I don't fifty-fifty receive got my ears pierced! But I receive got i bracelet that never comes off my wrist.
Rachael Taylor
 I used to collect charms as well as bracelets.
Natalie Grant
 The bracelet says 'Fear Nothing.' It was given to me yesteryear my friends, as well as it was made for me as well as my friends during the menses of fourth dimension that I was going through chemotherapy. And I withal vesture it, because it's a slap-up reminder of friendship as well as how my buddies as well as others came together inward my fourth dimension of need.
Joe Lhota
 Each of the bracelets I vesture is from a long trip I've taken. One is from Nicaragua. One is from Nepal. One is from Guatemala. One is from Laos. They don't come upwardly off. I walk into a lot of real high-level boardrooms now, as well as I acquaint to distinguished conferences, but these bracelets remind me of the places I've been as well as the people I've met.
Adam Braun
 I dear jewelry - rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, yous cite it.
Sofia Vergara
 The eternal God asks a favor of his bride: "Hold me unopen to your heart, unopen every bit locket or bracelet fits." No affair whether nosotros walk or stand upwardly still, consume or drink, nosotros should at all times vesture the golden locket "Jesus" upon our heart.
Henry Suso
 I genuinely recollect that American gentlemen are the best later all, because kissing your paw may brand yous experience real practiced but a diamond as well as a sapphire bracelet lasts forever. Anita Loos
 She was thus patently the victim of the culture which had produced her, that the links of her bracelet seemed similar manacles chaining her to her fate.
Edith Wharton
 You do realize that the toll of that bracelet is within spitting distance of my going charge per unit of measurement every bit an assassin, right?” “You hateful your going charge per unit of measurement dorsum when yous were genuinely killing people for money,” Finn said. “Or every bit I similar to telephone telephone them— the practiced ole days.
Jennifer Estep
 Some artists desire your coin thus they tin forcefulness out purchase Range Rovers as well as diamond bracelet, but I don't tending nearly that form of stuff. I desire your soul.
Lady Gaga
 I position a What Would Jesus Do bracelet on my Jewish friend's wrist as well as it burned his skin. He threw it on the ground, it turned into a serpent, nosotros both started laughing. We left it there, nosotros loathe snakes. We recollect they're slimy, fifty-fifty though nosotros know they're not.
Daniel Tosh
 I learned nearly the sacred fine art of self ornament amongst the monarch butterflies perched atop my head, lightning bugs every bit my nighttime jewelry, as well as emerald-green frogs every bit bracelets.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
 You're weird," Nick grumbled, but he turned his human face upwardly dorsum to critically examine the novel hand. "You're weird," Jamie returned. "As presently every bit this whole magical state of war is over, I'm going to brand us some friendship bracelet, as well as nosotros volition vesture them everywhere because nosotros are best friends." "Drop dead," said Nick, as well as Jamie looked serenely pleased.
Sarah Rees Brennan
 I am Shiite as well as proud of it. But the greenish bracelet I am wearing on my correct arm, as well as which identifies me every bit a Shiite, does non symbolize that I believe I am superior. I am commencement as well as initiatory a Bahraini.
Zainab al-Khawaja
 Like this. The wristbands yous acquire at nightclubs side yesteryear side to all the bracelets? It's ever the details that give me the ideas. It's fun to play amongst fashion because it is a fantasy. Each morn yous clothes to travel a unlike woman. Fashion helps.
Carine Roitfeld
 What is Friendship, definition of Friend, True Friendship - All nearly the pregnant of truthful friends, what friendship means, pregnant of friendship bracelets, poems, ring
Mark Vernon
 Also, I designed a pretty fascinating bracelet, where yous position a condom band or thus your favorite mass of poems for a year, as well as and thus yous accept it off as well as vesture it.
Jonathan Safran Foer
 The autumn comes, a maiden fair In slenderness as well as grace, With nodding rice-stems inward her pilus And lilies inward her face. In flowers of grasses she is clad; And every bit she moves along, Birds greet her amongst their cooing glad Like bracelets' tinkling song.
 My woman raise used to clothes rather risqué when I was a kid, as well as that sort of shocked me. I ever sentiment moms were supposed to vesture cardigans as well as flats, but she was inward leather bracelets as well as minidresses. In hindsight, I sentiment it was pretty cool, but I'm likely to a greater extent than conservative because of it.
Drew Barrymore
 In Amsterdam the H2O is the mistress as well as the nation the vassal. throughout the metropolis in that location are every bit many canals as well as drawbridges every bit bracelets on a Gypsy's bronzed arms.
Felix Marti-Ibanez
 No i else noticed, or cared. It was but something they did. Taking other people’s livestock. Other people’s lives. She watched the soldiers, hating them. They were unlike inward thus many ways, white as well as black, yellowish as well as brown, skinny, short, tall, small, but they were all the same. Didn’t affair if they wore finger-bone necklaces, or babe teeth on bracelets, or tattoos on their chests to ward off bullets. In the end, they were all mangled amongst battle scars as well as their eyes were all dead.
Paolo Bacigalupi
 You're right. And thus was my snake." Snake?" He pulled my arm out to expose my bracelet. "When I carved this my thoughts were on you, love. Your life is similar this snake's coils. No affair how many turns it makes, you'll terminate upwardly dorsum where yous belong. With me.
Maria V. Snyder
 I dear your bracelet!’ I said to the brunette side yesteryear side to me, because, patch most girls are onto the whole stranger-with-candy thing, the strangers-with-compliments strategy is withal remarkably effective.
Ally Carter
 Procrastination is the best activity against putting an talocrural articulation bracelet on future.
Mehmet Murat Ildan
 A osculation on the paw may experience very, real good, but a diamond as well as sapphire bracelet lasts forever.
Anita Loos
 A human being tin forcefulness out delight his married adult woman amongst a box of candy, surprise her amongst a bouquet of flowers, as well as brand her suspicious amongst a aureate bracelet.
Sam Ewing
 I curl up, brand myself smaller, endeavour to disappear entirely. Wrapped inward silence, I slide my bracelet that reads 'mentally disoriented' or thus as well as or thus my wrist.
Suzanne Collins
 When I complete dressing earlier a nighttime out as well as receive got position on all the accessories, I normally await at myself inward the mirror long as well as difficult as well as and thus terminate upwardly removing something. Whether it's a belt, bracelet or a bauble, less is ever more.
Joan Collins
 Isn't it funny - why is it called a lawn tennis bracelet? It doesn't seem real tennis, does it? John Cameron Mitchell
 I position the charm bracelet away inward the purse as well as provide it to my gem case. I don't demand a spell to foresee the future; I am going to travel far happen.
Philippa Gregory
 Her grinning faded. “Do yous know the worst thing nearly it? I forgot him. Daemon was a friend, as well as I forgot him. That Winsol, earlier I was…he gave me a silvery bracelet. I don’t know what happened to it. I had a painting of him. I don’t know what happened to that either. And as well as thus he gave everything he had to aid me, as well as when it was done, everyone walked away from him every bit if he didn’t matter.
Anne Bishop
 According to the New York Post, Lance Armstrong as well as Ashley Olsen are dating. They must live getting serious - Lance gave Ashley his yellowish Live Strong bracelet. She wears it every bit a belt.
Chelsea Handler
 Every fourth dimension an ashtray is missing from a hotel, they don't come upwardly looking for you. But permit a diamond bracelet disappear inward French Republic as well as they hollo John Robie, the Cat. You don't receive got to pass every twenty-four hr menses of your life proving your honesty, but I do.
John Michael Hayes
 He was dressed but similar on TV, amongst lots of silvery chains as well as bracelets, ripped jeans, as well as a dark musculus shirt (Which was form of stupid, since he didn't receive got whatsoever muscles).
Rick Riordan
 I similar when people vesture a WWJD bracelet, because it's similar an illustration of the commencement thing Jesus wouldn't do, probably.
Demetri Martin
 I used to recollect that diamonds were a girl's best friend, but straight off I realize it's carbohydrates. Seriously, I receive got a French baguette at dwelling sporting a matching friendship bracelet.
Lauren Conrad
 Jewellery's non a big thing for me. The only thing I vesture is a aureate cross on a chain that I got for my 21st birthday. You receive got to accept it off every twenty-four hr menses for filming, but that's the only fourth dimension I'm non wearing it. You won't notice me inward rings, bracelets or earrings.
Jonas Armstrong
 Sean reaches betwixt us as well as slides a sparse bracelet of cerise ribbons over my complimentary hand. Lifting my arm, he presses his lips against the within of my wrist. I'm utterly still; I experience my pulse tap several times against his lips, as well as and thus he releases my hand. "For luck," he says. He takes Dove's atomic number 82 from me. "Sean," I say, as well as he turns. I accept his mentum as well as osculation his lips, hard. I'm reminded, all of a sudden, of that commencement twenty-four hr menses on the beach, when I pulled his caput from the water. "For luck," I tell to his startled face.
Maggie Stiefvater
 I don't vesture diamond necklaces. I'm non against it but I never could afford it, thus straight off I but vesture gold. I vesture bracelets, rings, anklets.
ASAP Rocky
 I but programme on playing my best as well as continuing to position myself inward a slap-up seat to win. I promise to win a s bracelet as well as hopefully a WPT title.
Jason Mercier
 Our domestic Napoleons, also many of them, give flattery, bonnets as well as bracelets to women, as well as everything else but - justice.
Fanny Fern
If yous encounter me, I'm ever wearing dark as well as pink. If I don't receive got it on, I at to the lowest degree receive got something that's dark as well as pink. For instance, like, a bracelet or something.
Diana DeGarmo

Good memories are similar charms...Each is special. You collect them, i yesteryear one, until i twenty-four hr menses yous await dorsum as well as discovery they brand a long, colorful bracelet.
James Patterson

In 2 decades I've lost a total of 789 pounds. I should live hanging from a charm bracelet.
Erma Bombeck

Look at me, amongst my pretty bracelet as well as tiara... I'm a f****n' princess!
Gerard Way

I receive got a microphone on i talocrural articulation as well as an talocrural articulation bracelet on the other, thus I'm good balanced today.
Martha Stewart

Those weeks earlier diagnosis tin forcefulness out live amid the most torturous times. There is a argue you're called a patient i time the plastic bracelet goes on. David Rakoff

I i time felt bad because I had no shoes, as well as and thus I met a human being who had no feet. He was wearing an talocrural articulation bracelet that kept falling off.
Dana Gould

Won't cha...picture life every bit my wife, but think:
Full length mink, fatty X as well as O links,
Bracelets to match, conversation was all that,
Showed yous the safe combinations as well as all that.
Guess yous could tell you's the i I trusted...
Who would ever recollect that yous would spread similar mustard?
The Notorious B.I.G.

Charming Bracelet Ideas For Women

 Do that i time to a greater extent than and, bracelet or no bracelet, I’ll tear your caput off as well as run it for a doorstop. (Xypher)
Sherrilyn Kenyon
 I am ever wearing a bracelet, necklace, as well as watch. I don't fifty-fifty tending if they don't match. Grigor Dimitrov
 It takes all the fun out of a bracelet if yous receive got to purchase it yourself.
Peggy Hopkins Joyce
 I tend non to vesture accessories. I'm non i of those gals amongst a drawerful of amazing jewelry. I don't fifty-fifty receive got my ears pierced! But I receive got i bracelet that never comes off my wrist.
Rachael Taylor
 I used to collect charms as well as bracelets.
Natalie Grant
 The bracelet says 'Fear Nothing.' It was given to me yesteryear my friends, as well as it was made for me as well as my friends during the menses of fourth dimension that I was going through chemotherapy. And I withal vesture it, because it's a slap-up reminder of friendship as well as how my buddies as well as others came together inward my fourth dimension of need.
Joe Lhota
 Each of the bracelets I vesture is from a long trip I've taken. One is from Nicaragua. One is from Nepal. One is from Guatemala. One is from Laos. They don't come upwardly off. I walk into a lot of real high-level boardrooms now, as well as I acquaint to distinguished conferences, but these bracelets remind me of the places I've been as well as the people I've met.
Adam Braun
 I dear jewelry - rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, yous cite it.
Sofia Vergara
 The eternal God asks a favor of his bride: "Hold me unopen to your heart, unopen every bit locket or bracelet fits." No affair whether nosotros walk or stand upwardly still, consume or drink, nosotros should at all times vesture the golden locket "Jesus" upon our heart.
Henry Suso
 I genuinely recollect that American gentlemen are the best later all, because kissing your paw may brand yous experience real practiced but a diamond as well as a sapphire bracelet lasts forever. Anita Loos
 She was thus patently the victim of the culture which had produced her, that the links of her bracelet seemed similar manacles chaining her to her fate.
Edith Wharton
 You do realize that the toll of that bracelet is within spitting distance of my going charge per unit of measurement every bit an assassin, right?” “You hateful your going charge per unit of measurement dorsum when yous were genuinely killing people for money,” Finn said. “Or every bit I similar to telephone telephone them— the practiced ole days.
Jennifer Estep
 Some artists desire your coin thus they tin forcefulness out purchase Range Rovers as well as diamond bracelet, but I don't tending nearly that form of stuff. I desire your soul.
Lady Gaga
 I position a What Would Jesus Do bracelet on my Jewish friend's wrist as well as it burned his skin. He threw it on the ground, it turned into a serpent, nosotros both started laughing. We left it there, nosotros loathe snakes. We recollect they're slimy, fifty-fifty though nosotros know they're not.
Daniel Tosh
 I learned nearly the sacred fine art of self ornament amongst the monarch butterflies perched atop my head, lightning bugs every bit my nighttime jewelry, as well as emerald-green frogs every bit bracelets.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
 You're weird," Nick grumbled, but he turned his human face upwardly dorsum to critically examine the novel hand. "You're weird," Jamie returned. "As presently every bit this whole magical state of war is over, I'm going to brand us some friendship bracelet, as well as nosotros volition vesture them everywhere because nosotros are best friends." "Drop dead," said Nick, as well as Jamie looked serenely pleased.
Sarah Rees Brennan
 I am Shiite as well as proud of it. But the greenish bracelet I am wearing on my correct arm, as well as which identifies me every bit a Shiite, does non symbolize that I believe I am superior. I am commencement as well as initiatory a Bahraini.
Zainab al-Khawaja
 Like this. The wristbands yous acquire at nightclubs side yesteryear side to all the bracelets? It's ever the details that give me the ideas. It's fun to play amongst fashion because it is a fantasy. Each morn yous clothes to travel a unlike woman. Fashion helps.
Carine Roitfeld
 What is Friendship, definition of Friend, True Friendship - All nearly the pregnant of truthful friends, what friendship means, pregnant of friendship bracelets, poems, ring
Mark Vernon
 Also, I designed a pretty fascinating bracelet, where yous position a condom band or thus your favorite mass of poems for a year, as well as and thus yous accept it off as well as vesture it.
Jonathan Safran Foer
 The autumn comes, a maiden fair In slenderness as well as grace, With nodding rice-stems inward her pilus And lilies inward her face. In flowers of grasses she is clad; And every bit she moves along, Birds greet her amongst their cooing glad Like bracelets' tinkling song.
 My woman raise used to clothes rather risqué when I was a kid, as well as that sort of shocked me. I ever sentiment moms were supposed to vesture cardigans as well as flats, but she was inward leather bracelets as well as minidresses. In hindsight, I sentiment it was pretty cool, but I'm likely to a greater extent than conservative because of it.
Drew Barrymore
 In Amsterdam the H2O is the mistress as well as the nation the vassal. throughout the metropolis in that location are every bit many canals as well as drawbridges every bit bracelets on a Gypsy's bronzed arms.
Felix Marti-Ibanez
 No i else noticed, or cared. It was but something they did. Taking other people’s livestock. Other people’s lives. She watched the soldiers, hating them. They were unlike inward thus many ways, white as well as black, yellowish as well as brown, skinny, short, tall, small, but they were all the same. Didn’t affair if they wore finger-bone necklaces, or babe teeth on bracelets, or tattoos on their chests to ward off bullets. In the end, they were all mangled amongst battle scars as well as their eyes were all dead.
Paolo Bacigalupi
 You're right. And thus was my snake." Snake?" He pulled my arm out to expose my bracelet. "When I carved this my thoughts were on you, love. Your life is similar this snake's coils. No affair how many turns it makes, you'll terminate upwardly dorsum where yous belong. With me.
Maria V. Snyder
 I dear your bracelet!’ I said to the brunette side yesteryear side to me, because, patch most girls are onto the whole stranger-with-candy thing, the strangers-with-compliments strategy is withal remarkably effective.
Ally Carter
 Procrastination is the best activity against putting an talocrural articulation bracelet on future.
Mehmet Murat Ildan
 A osculation on the paw may experience very, real good, but a diamond as well as sapphire bracelet lasts forever.
Anita Loos
 A human being tin forcefulness out delight his married adult woman amongst a box of candy, surprise her amongst a bouquet of flowers, as well as brand her suspicious amongst a aureate bracelet.
Sam Ewing
 I curl up, brand myself smaller, endeavour to disappear entirely. Wrapped inward silence, I slide my bracelet that reads 'mentally disoriented' or thus as well as or thus my wrist.
Suzanne Collins
 When I complete dressing earlier a nighttime out as well as receive got position on all the accessories, I normally await at myself inward the mirror long as well as difficult as well as and thus terminate upwardly removing something. Whether it's a belt, bracelet or a bauble, less is ever more.
Joan Collins
 Isn't it funny - why is it called a lawn tennis bracelet? It doesn't seem real tennis, does it? John Cameron Mitchell
 I position the charm bracelet away inward the purse as well as provide it to my gem case. I don't demand a spell to foresee the future; I am going to travel far happen.
Philippa Gregory
 Her grinning faded. “Do yous know the worst thing nearly it? I forgot him. Daemon was a friend, as well as I forgot him. That Winsol, earlier I was…he gave me a silvery bracelet. I don’t know what happened to it. I had a painting of him. I don’t know what happened to that either. And as well as thus he gave everything he had to aid me, as well as when it was done, everyone walked away from him every bit if he didn’t matter.
Anne Bishop
 According to the New York Post, Lance Armstrong as well as Ashley Olsen are dating. They must live getting serious - Lance gave Ashley his yellowish Live Strong bracelet. She wears it every bit a belt.
Chelsea Handler
 Every fourth dimension an ashtray is missing from a hotel, they don't come upwardly looking for you. But permit a diamond bracelet disappear inward French Republic as well as they hollo John Robie, the Cat. You don't receive got to pass every twenty-four hr menses of your life proving your honesty, but I do.
John Michael Hayes
 He was dressed but similar on TV, amongst lots of silvery chains as well as bracelets, ripped jeans, as well as a dark musculus shirt (Which was form of stupid, since he didn't receive got whatsoever muscles).
Rick Riordan
 I similar when people vesture a WWJD bracelet, because it's similar an illustration of the commencement thing Jesus wouldn't do, probably.
Demetri Martin
 I used to recollect that diamonds were a girl's best friend, but straight off I realize it's carbohydrates. Seriously, I receive got a French baguette at dwelling sporting a matching friendship bracelet.
Lauren Conrad
 Jewellery's non a big thing for me. The only thing I vesture is a aureate cross on a chain that I got for my 21st birthday. You receive got to accept it off every twenty-four hr menses for filming, but that's the only fourth dimension I'm non wearing it. You won't notice me inward rings, bracelets or earrings.
Jonas Armstrong
 Sean reaches betwixt us as well as slides a sparse bracelet of cerise ribbons over my complimentary hand. Lifting my arm, he presses his lips against the within of my wrist. I'm utterly still; I experience my pulse tap several times against his lips, as well as and thus he releases my hand. "For luck," he says. He takes Dove's atomic number 82 from me. "Sean," I say, as well as he turns. I accept his mentum as well as osculation his lips, hard. I'm reminded, all of a sudden, of that commencement twenty-four hr menses on the beach, when I pulled his caput from the water. "For luck," I tell to his startled face.
Maggie Stiefvater
 I don't vesture diamond necklaces. I'm non against it but I never could afford it, thus straight off I but vesture gold. I vesture bracelets, rings, anklets.
ASAP Rocky
 I but programme on playing my best as well as continuing to position myself inward a slap-up seat to win. I promise to win a s bracelet as well as hopefully a WPT title.
Jason Mercier
 Our domestic Napoleons, also many of them, give flattery, bonnets as well as bracelets to women, as well as everything else but - justice.
Fanny Fern
If yous encounter me, I'm ever wearing dark as well as pink. If I don't receive got it on, I at to the lowest degree receive got something that's dark as well as pink. For instance, like, a bracelet or something.
Diana DeGarmo

Good memories are similar charms...Each is special. You collect them, i yesteryear one, until i twenty-four hr menses yous await dorsum as well as discovery they brand a long, colorful bracelet.
James Patterson

In 2 decades I've lost a total of 789 pounds. I should live hanging from a charm bracelet.
Erma Bombeck

Look at me, amongst my pretty bracelet as well as tiara... I'm a f****n' princess!
Gerard Way

I receive got a microphone on i talocrural articulation as well as an talocrural articulation bracelet on the other, thus I'm good balanced today.
Martha Stewart

Those weeks earlier diagnosis tin forcefulness out live amid the most torturous times. There is a argue you're called a patient i time the plastic bracelet goes on. David Rakoff

I i time felt bad because I had no shoes, as well as and thus I met a human being who had no feet. He was wearing an talocrural articulation bracelet that kept falling off.
Dana Gould

Won't cha...picture life every bit my wife, but think:
Full length mink, fatty X as well as O links,
Bracelets to match, conversation was all that,
Showed yous the safe combinations as well as all that.
Guess yous could tell you's the i I trusted...
Who would ever recollect that yous would spread similar mustard?
The Notorious B.I.G.